Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hello, hello!

I'm a bit busy with end-of-semester craziness (and nearly done with classes!), trying to relearn how to spend time with my nose in a book after the lovely two-week break (don't worry, I spent half of it looking at the book and wishing it would magically go away)...

Anyway, I shall eventually get back to some posting about mid-April adventures, but for now some recent daily-life stories.

~I have lots of upcoming concerts to go to -- Joshua Bell on May 10, then 6 (yes, six) La Bayadères. Once for each cast. (Oh dear, if host family found three performances strange, six -- they'll think I'm insane. They may be right.)

~May 1st was Labor Day and buy-a-lily-of-the-valley day. They sold little bunches of the flowers all along the streets all day. It was quite lovely -- they're supposed to bring good luck. But I don't really like the French word for lily of the valley: muguet. Russian ландыши also sounds prettier.

[Yes, I finally got a new camera. Here's a yay! for Canon PowerShot SX200 IS.]

~Jeanne (nearly 3-year-old host daughter) is very argumentative lately. She wants everything done her way, and just at that very moment. Needless to say, her parents don't agree. So they argue. Mom: "no, Mommy decides. Jeanne does not decide. It's the parents who decide. Adults. Not little Jeanne." Jeanne: "Jeanne decides. Jeanne decides. Jeanne decides." Mom: "No. Mommy decides." Jeanne: "I decide, not you." Mom [gives that look]: "euh... No."

All this during dinner. Joanne (my roommate) and I try our hardest not to crack up -- fail. We end up shaking silently from laughter. Makes for very interesting (read: theatrical :)) dinners.

~The Cat (Madame Lily) and I get along. Sometimes.

She has huge green eyes. I'm jealous.

So innocently asleep.

But keeping an eye on me. Because I might, you know, come pet her. Again. For the twentieth time.

All-time favorite: standing on my suitcase. My sink is apparently fascinating.

~Beautiful Paris from spring break with Mommy Dearest :).

Spring! And very nearly summer. But now - around 8°C/43°F. Yeah...

Behind Notre Dame, on the Rue St. Louis-en-Ile

From a boat on the Seine.

Eiffel Tower, at the tippy-top. 1) Awesome. 2) BRRRR! Freeeezing. 3) Still awesome.

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