Friday, February 5, 2010

Theater News

Pictures from visit to Opéra Garnier to see La Dame aux Camélias (chor. Neumeier), with Agnès Letestu as Marguerite Gautier, Stéphane Bullion as Armand Duval, Michaël Denard as Monsieur Duval:

Interesting performance -- nice to see a full house! I didn't really warm up to Letestu's character, but the performance got better as it went on. Part of the reason may have been the abrupt beginning -- they just started. No lights dimmed, no curtain rising, they just started. I would like to see more of Letestu in real life (videos don't always do justice). Enjoyed Chopin's music, though it resonated more with me than the dancing. Everyone performed very well, but sort of half in-character, half thinking-about-what-comes-next...

Everybody went as a group to see Amphitryon by Molière. The play was pretty much the same as the original, but transposed into a more modern environment. So more modern costumes, one nifty set that turned around for different scenes, and lots of yelling. Not particularly impressed with seeing Jupiter wearing a business suit, motorcycle helmet, and silver shoes (which oft came off along with two socks), but there may have been a point. Hard to tell...

Will be going to see Shéhérazade, Firebird, The Afternoon of a Faun, and Armida's Pavilion the first week of March at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées. Hoping to see Nioradze, Tsiskaridze, Aleksandrova, Lobukhin, and the Kremlin Ballet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mariam
    Thanks for posting all these pictures! Tell me how Firebird goes, I really like that one!
