Wednesday, February 10, 2010

French Food

French food in pictures (warning: it may make you hungry :)) --

Part 1 of dinner with host family:
carrots + baguette + some kind of fish + caviar prepared with wasabi

Gaufre caramel + latte

Home-made dinner:
spaghetti + cucumber + some kind of meat + shrimp
(can't take credit for the last two... merci to host dad!)

More of my attempts.

Other observations:
--When you get a coffee at a cafe, you also get a small little something to go with it, like a cocoa-powder-covered almond. Or a small chocolate. They are delicious! (Coffees will get a post of their own later.)
--If there are 3 chocolate pastries, and only one of them is squished, which one are you likely to get from the lunch lady at the cafeteria?
--One thing you are never far from and are not likely to go broke on: bread. Bread, bread, and more bread. You can always find a sandwich (or a crêpe).
--Vin chaud (hot wine) sold on a street corner sounds so appetizing on a cold, rainy day! (Mind you, it's the same price as hot chocolate. Decisions, decisions... :))

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