Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend in Charleville-Mézières - Part 1 - Everyday Life

Spent the last weekend of March in a different host family in Charleville-Mézières - excellent experience! Got there on Friday afternoon, left Sunday evening - you should have seen the six of us who went, sitting in the train on Sunday, waving like crazy to our families :).

So a little bit about Charleville-Mézières - it is a small-ish city of about 60,000 inhabitants, in the north-east of France, close to the Belgian border.

Entrance to my neighborhood.

Inside the house.

My host sister, Camille, took me for a walk while we were waiting for dinner. We went down to the horse stables on the edge of town --


Camille and I

We were trying to watch TV, but concluded that there was nothing particularly interesting, other than some music shows/concerts/etc. One of the songs used the lovely expression, "to kick the bucket," and Camille was quite surprised to find out what it actually means (makes sense why the song included green, hat-wearing skeletons dancing in the background...).

On Saturday morning, we went to her middle and high school, which are right across from each other. It was an Open House day, so there were lots of students, parents, and teachers walking around. And some brownies, cookies and coffee.

View from the English classroom at the Charleville-Mézières high school.

French high school lab. Wee titrations! Haven't done them in a good while.


Colorful squares

Church in Charleville-Mézières

It was definitely interesting to see a glimpse of everyday life of a different family.

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