Saturday, January 30, 2010
Another Saturday...I like walking around, as you can probably tell.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Rainy Saturday
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Melancholy Monday
So it's not that melancholy, but alliteration was an absolute must, so there you go.
Melancholy happenings:
~Spilling water on laptop.
~Having toast for breakfast. Again. Toast is good, but my French family must really like toast.
~Taking placement test. Ehh...
~Etre un membre d'un groupe touristique americain. [said in a most American-y accent] [Ironic that our placement exam had a reading selection about tourism, no?] All facetiousness aside, some people should maybe try to parler en francais a little more. Sometimes. And make an effort to pronounce un peu plus correctly.
~Go to student cafeteria where the food was...cold. It used to be hot but we all know how long noodles stay hot. The chicken was made of sawdust. I'll take it for 2,90 euros. Note to self: deal with it and get more salmon instead. Or something that looks like herring. Herring!
~"Tour" universities with the ever-so-helpful EDUCO people. General fact: whatever you organize by yourself will make a lot more sense than if it's "organized" by EDUCO. Helpful sure, but they don't know any answers to any questions, nor where anything is located (using a map is perfectly okay! But I can do it by myself too).
End rant.
Family dinner soon!